Monthly Archives: May 2018

CRT2018: Cannon Beach

Near Astoria is Cannon Beach, which is pretty famous for the view. (And as another side note for Goonies fans, this is the beach where Mikey finds the stones that match the dubloon!) This was our first real taste of what the next three days along the Oregon coast were going to be like. Almost the whole coast of Oregon looks like this - it's ridiculous. Every time you think that must be it, another view comes along and knocks the wind out of you again.

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CRT2018: Astoria, Oregon

Our first major stop of the trip was in Astoria, Oregon. Astoria is right at the mouth of the Columbia River, and across the river from Washington state. There were lots of giant container ships in the port - it's really hard to get a sense of just how big they were from the photos.

Walking along the riverfront pathway in Astoria, we walked by this picturesque abandoned building. Not sure what it used to be - maybe some sort of fish processing station? I loved the look of it, and the light was just right.

For those who don't know, one of my favorite childhood movies - The Goonies - was filmed in Astoria. For fellow fans, the house right in the middle of the next photo is Mikey's house from the movie, and the one directly to the right of it (all you can see is the roof) is Data's house. They're privately owned now and you can't really go see them, but I thought it was cool to catch sight of them from the river walk.

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CRT2018: Washington State

This year's road trip with Carter started in Portland, Oregon. We dipped just into Washington state to get credit for the state (although we'll be back to explore it more thoroughly in the future). This was the view from the Washington side of the Columbia River, just a few miles from where it meets the ocean.

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