The taste of love is sweet -
When hearts like ours meet.
I fell for you like a child.
Oh, and the fire went wild.
And guess what? She loved it. She tried singing it with me a few times - which was pretty cute, as she had a bigger allotment of enthusiasm than lyrical accuracy - and then started asking me to sing it for her again and again in an increasingly groggy voice. By the time we pulled onto our road she was snoring like a bandsaw.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I fell down, down, down, and the flame went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns - the ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
So what do you know? I can actually sing one of my kids to sleep. It's hard to explain if you weren't there (and you weren't), but it was a very sweet moment. The dynamics of being a father-to-a-son and being a father-to-a-daughter are very different. Sean and I have lots of sweet moments too, but the ones I share with Carter are much more frequently of the "awwwwwww" variety. And I love it!