Monthly Archives: October 2006

Nap Time

The first of this pair was taken last night at 2AM. I went to wake her up for a feeding, and she just looked so cute. Lori took the second one this afternoon. She went out to run a few errands, and when she came back I was asleep on the couch, and Carter was asleep on my chest. We napped that way for at least an hour. It was so nice, we did it again later that night. Sometimes when she gets upset, and she isn't wet or hungry and the binky isn't helping, I'll lay down with her on my chest and it will mellow her right out. She just needs a little cuddle-time with her pops!

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Edouard Martinet

I seem to have a real knack for coming across these types of artists lately. Edouard Martinet is a French scupltor who has been creating animals from scrap metal for the last ten years. Even more amazing, his pieces are created without welding. Take a lot at his work, it is simply amazing.

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42 Words of Wisdom: #06

"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space."

- Douglas Adams

This one for the benefit of Katie Couric, who recently made some foolish remarks on her CBS news show. How can a woman with so little understanding of science be paid to voice her commentary in such a public forum? Does CBS have so little respect for its viewers to not even bother to fact-check the ridiculous things she planned to say? Astronomer Phil Plait (of the Bad Astronomy Blog) gave her a solid reaming for her ignorance, if you'd like to know more about it. My biggest concern is that lots of people with no science background will treat her words as "news", and the population will be become that tiny bit more confused about what NASA is actually for.

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Sean’s Second Hike

The weather is finally starting to cool off, and Sean and I have a lot of catching up to do with our outdoor activities. Today he went on his second hike. He did great - for such a little man, he's got a ton of stamina. I only carried him at the very end for the fun of it - he loves the view from my shoulders, and if i bounce him around as we walk it cracks him up.

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Scenes from Space #35

This amazing image is a composite of many images taken by the Cassini spacecraft from the 'back' side of Saturn. With the planet's rings lit from behind by the sun, they take on an amazing glowing quality. This backlighting actually allowed astronomers to discover new rings. If you look for a small pale blue dot on left side of the image, just above the bright main rings, you can see the Earth!

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Evil Genius

Welcome to Sean's underground lair, deep in Skullcrusher Mountain. His evil plans are nearing fruition. His army of ninja henchmen is almost prepared! Beware his doomsday squad, as they ignite the atmosphere! Ah, the atmosphere! Ah!!!!!

So is just me, or does Sean look like an evil genius in this picture?

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Sleeping Like a ….. Baby

As she's only a couple of weeks old, Carter is still sleeping most of the time. So no open-eye pictures as of yet, but these are still pretty adorable, if you ask me. And check out the wacky hat Auntie Tracy bought her in the picture with Linda!

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Pumpkin Carving

Found something cool on the web today. Instead of the traditional style of pumpkin carving - where you hollow the pumpkin and cut through the shell - this guy carves three-dimensional faces on the exterior of the pumpkin. Not only is his work amazing, he includes a pretty extensive tutorial on his site explaining how to try this yourself. Dig it!

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Scenes from Space #34

This photo strikes me as very cool. It was taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) last week. In the image, you can see the tracks left by one of the Martian Rovers (Opportunity), and you can even see the rover itself!

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By Popular Request

We've been pretty busy, and haven't taken many pictures yet. By the demand for more pics has been increasing the last couple of days, so here a few to whet your appetite.

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